
I'm Shirley Zhang, I was born and grew up in Shanghai, then I went to study in Italy and obtained CILS C1 certificate, which represents a high level of use of Italian language ability, issued by the Siena University of Foreign Studies. I love Italian culture and understand their way of thinking and environment; I have worked with people from multiple cultures, which has helped me to develop a diverse set of interpersonal and negotiation skills.​


我是 Shirley Zhang 在上海出生和长大,之后去意大利留学进而考取了由Siena外国人大学颁发的,代表高水平运用意大利语能力的 CILS C1语言等级证书。深爱意大利文化并熟悉他们的人文环境和思维方式;多年的海外生活、旅行及工作经验,令我能够胜任不同领域和不同场合的工作。成功个案列举请点击 Archivio


My professional services including:

各类展会翻译 - interpretation service for exhibitions
商务陪同及谈判 - business meetings & negotiations
市场调查兼顾问 - market research & consultation
公司及商标注册 - company & trademark registration
产品采购 - products resourcing & purchasing
各类笔译 - brochures website document translations
酒店、机票预定,交通、行程安排 hotel, tickets booking, travel arrangements
